“Carol McComb is the finest natural musician I have ever known”.
— Curt Bouterse, Dancing Cat Records “McComb writes very personally delivering deceptively plain lyrics in a lovely voice that glides from contralto richness to silvery soprano. Her guitar playing is a marvel of spare technique, rich counterpoint adding texture to lyrical images the intimacy she brings forth is both chilling and ennobling." — The Boston Globe “Some music gets under your skin by grabbing you by the shirt collar and vigorously shaking. Carol’s music earns its keep in your heart by mastering the purity, clarity and simplicity of a well-written song, a hearty and spine-tingling voice that calls to mind a magical combination of Joni Mitchell, Anne Murray and Karen Carpenter, and a knack for warming the soul with its songs of innocence, pain, and altogether, humanity. As much as one can analyze the beauty and craft of her songs, the true measure comes from the goose bumps that will creep up your legs and arms as you listen. This is music that surpasses the head and goes straight to the source.” —Editor, CD Baby |
“Special thanks to Carol McComb for the guitar lessons I should have had 30 years ago.”
—Joan Baez “Absolutely great teacher for complete beginner to advanced guitar players, with a wonderful variety of group guitar lessons at convenient times. Well worth a weekly trip up to Gryphon Instruments.” — Tanya B (Yelp review) “I cannot think of a better guitar teacher anywhere. If you are fortunate enough to be able to get to Gryphon Stringed Instruments in Palo Alto, her classes are a treasure.” — Brian B. (Yelp review) “It really doesn't get any better than this. I've been a teacher myself for decades, and I know a born teacher when I have the privilege to study under one.” — Nancy W (Yelp review) |